Coinciding with Hikari's print release (read all about her new prints here!) at YO'HOOD EXPO in Shanghai, China this week, Hikari is also featured in the new issue of YOHO!NOW magazine and app! The app is free to download for iPhone and Android users from the Apple store. For her feature, Hikari walks fans through how she creates her work, from start to finish, and answers questions about her inspiration and process.
Take a look at some of the photos we took from behind the scenes!
A special segment was also filmed of Hikari painting for YO'HOOD, which expo attendees may find at the APPortfolio booth, September 15-17th.
And here's the finished painting- on display at the APPortfolio booth, September 15-17th:
YO'HOOD EXPO - Shanghai Edition will take place at:
Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center
1099 Guozhan Rd, Pudong, Shanghai, China
For location, hours, and directions, please visit
A very big thanks to Corey Helford Gallery, and everyone at the YOHO! team, for their support!